To install the Python library:

These instructions assume you're using Linux bash, although the library can also be installed in other environments for testing.


pip install l293d

l293d is installable via PyPI, using the above command. However, this might not be always the very latest (development) version. If you're happy using the version on the Python Package Index, run the pip install l293d command and skip to instruction 5. To install the latest version, follow the below instructions.

Remember to prefix the pip install command with sudo if you wish to install this package globally.

From GitHub

1. Clone code from GitHub

$ git clone

2. Navigate to the l293d folder

$ cd l293d/

3. Install dependencies

Python 2:

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip

Python 3:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Install RPi.GPIO (Pi only):

$ sudo pip install RPi.GPIO

Also installable via apt-get, although pip (as above) is recommended:

$ sudo apt-get install RPi.GPIO

Installing RPi.GPIO is required to drive motors on the Raspberry Pi, although in other environments, test mode is automatically enabled if RPi.GPIO isn't found.

4. Install the library

$ sudo python install

Or for use with Python 3, swap python for python3 in the command above.

5. Test

$ python
>>> import l293d

Again, python3 may be used instead of python, although remember that installations for different Python versions are independent.

Once l293d has been successfully installed, it can be used to drive motors. See Python Scripts for more info.


l293d can be installed in a virtualenv, like you can with other packages:

1. Install

pip install virtualenv

2. Create virtualenv

virtualenv venv_name

3. Activate virtualenv

source venv_name/bin/activate

4. Install l293d

Install using one of the methods above: from PyPI or from GitHub. You don't need to use sudo, as l293d should install within the virtualenv.

5. Deactivate

Once you've finished using the virtualenv:


To learn more about virtualenv, I found this site useful.